Startup Visa Success Story: Pavel Gupta

To a business from Bangalore, India, where there are more than 13 million people, Fredericton might not look like much. But there was a very good reason that NeenOpal Canada, Ignite's latest Startup Visa success story, to choose Fredericton.

Founded by in 2016 by Pavel Gupta, the NeenOpal team has grown to 70+ employees. With a blend of statistical expertise, data management skills, and business acumen, Gupta has been growing this business since he graduated. He now heads their Canadian operation.

NeenOpal is a global management consulting firm with a unique and specialized focus on Data Science. A recent project of NeenOpal is, a platform that, according to Gupta, "does for business intelligence what Canva did for design." It provides a fast, user-friendly system for designing BI dashboards like what you would find in Tableau or Power BI. In Mokkup AI, a dashboard can be built in minutes: A solution that substantially reduces the time it takes to serve clients who need data solutions. It's a problem that has caused substantial lost time for NeenOpal: "Over the last six years, what we’ve gathered is that’s where we spend a lot of time: getting requirements from people." said Gupta.

As for why NeenOpal chose Fredericton for their Canadian office, Gupta says it's the warmth of the people here. “That is the thing about being in Fredericton, that if you reach out, people are ready to help. It’s the warmth that really clicked, and got us to move here rather than in a big city.”

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